Dalszöveg fordítások

Leslie Cheung - 奔向未來日子 (Ban hoeng mei loi jat zi) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

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Looking Toward The Future

There is no need to ask me about today’s matter
There is no need to know or understand the meaning
Meaningful? Meaningless? How to determine?
Don’t speculate, don’t observe, don’t comprehend
There is no need to ask me about how I am living
Who would want to talk about the former mistakes and incidents?
Affectionate? Heartless? It’s not necessary to ask me
Don’t regard it, don’t regret it, don’t clarify
No tears, no words. My heart is bleeding yet I don’t want to know
One mind, one intention of looking toward the future
Together with you to seek happy stories
There is no need to ask me about old heart wounds
There is no need to hold on to past incidents
Occasionally, for a short moment, I’m forced to remember
The void I have gone through, you don’t need to know, you don’t’ need to know
There is no need to ask me about how I am living
Who would want to talk about the former mistakes and incidents?
Affectionate? Heartless? It’s not necessary to ask me
Don’t regard it, don’t regret it, don’t clarify
No tears, no words. My heart is bleeding yet I don’t want to know
One mind, one intention of looking toward the future
Together with you to seek happy stories
There is no need to ask me about old heart wounds
There is no need to hold on to past incidents
Occasionally, for a short moment, I’m forced to remember
The void I have gone through, you don’t need to know, you don’t’ need to know

Az előadó további dalszöveg fordításait megtalálhatod a következő linken: Leslie Cheung

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Ärger, der am Herzen frißt,
Wird's nur ärger machen.
Was nicht wegzuschelten ist,
Such es wegzulachen.


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Gerecht zu schätzen des Mannes Wert.« –
Darf ich den Wein nicht sauer nennen,
Eh' ich das ganze Faß geleert?


Egyszemélyes Matrac